Finally Doing Something


20th of September, 2011Articles6 Comments

So last week I finally decided it was time to do something. From everything I’ve read, apparently the first step is to see your G.P. Well, that would be if they actually knew anything at all. I went to a walk-in G.P. as I don’t have a normal doctor. Told him I was transgendered and wanted to start transitioning. He thought I wanted a surgeon. I then told him that what I’m really after is a referral to a psychiatrist. He went through his book for specialists, the first one he came up with; someone who deals with acceptance. I then told him to look for Gender issues. He then found the only doctor in Perth that deals with it, Dr Russell Date. I got a referral letter from this G.P. and was on my way.

I got home and called his office, the receptionist told me that he was going on holidays and that all new patients would have to send in a referral and he would get back to us when he gets back. I sent in my referral then did a few searches on his name. Apparently he is VERY hard to get an appointment with. Considering he is the only doctor that deals with gender issues in the entire city of over 1.5 million people.

I guess all I can do now is hope that I can get an appointment sometime soon.

6 Responses to “Finally Doing Something”
  1. Cynder

    I would look online for therapists thats do visits via skype, there are quite a few :)

  2. Spencer

    Don’t give up. It took me years after my first doctor visit before I finally started getting anything done. I still have a long way to go but it is nice to finally be on track.

  3. Amorous Eyes

    Don’t worry. Only a small percentage of those 1.5 million people will have gender issues.

    Good luck on your journey! :)

  4. Your Name

    The greatest of luck for the future. I’m in your boat, a few years younger but this is literally the first thing I’ve ever said to anyone regarding this issue. Keep up the blog and hopefully it will give me and others like me the strength to do something.


  5. Kristy

    I am somehow not surprised, although this is the first time I have heard this about you. I wish you the best of luck in remaking your life until it is the way you want it to be.
    Love from your cousin….

  6. Sean

    I found a few in your area recommended on an online forum.

    Dr Russell Date
    21 Havelock St West Perth WA 6005
    9488 2983

    Dr Fred Ng
    Suite 10, 19-21 Outram Street
    WEST PERTH WA 6005

    Dr Helena Piirto
    395 Stirling Highway
    Claremont, WA 6010
    (08) 9385 2773

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