So, it’s been quite a while since my last post where I was detailing my plans for surgery. I’ve been meaning to do this post for quite a while, but it appears my life got in the way a bit. Just so everyone knows, I’m fine and doing well after returning from Thailand. This post is all about my experience while I was there. I have to warn you, it’s a long one
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The 23rd of October never held any significance to me, that has all changed now. This time last year I remember I had an extremely bad hangover. For some reason, Australia Post decided to deliver a package on a Sunday. I remember getting that package and all the other feelings melting away. For this signified the starting of my long journey into womanhood. In that package was my first shipment of hormones. I took those pills and was elated that I had finally started. Now, fast forward to exactly one year later and I am the happiest I have ever been in my life

Again, it has been a while since my last post. I am still going, and I’m still happy! Over the past few months, I have successfully managed to be stealth in a few aspects of my life. It’s truly amazing to have people just treat me as a woman and not know anything about my past. It’s also truly devastating when that all comes crumbling down

A couple of weeks ago, I thought it was time I stopped waiting for calls back from psychiatrists and just do something. As such, I did a lot of research and decided I might as well self-prescribe hormones. I have read about all the risks involved and I will be getting regular blood tests. I just felt that I needed to do this and couldn’t take waiting for it any more
So last week I finally decided it was time to do something. From everything I’ve read, apparently the first step is to see your G.P. Well, that would be if they actually knew anything at all. I went to a walk-in G.P. as I don’t have a normal doctor. Told him I was transgendered and wanted to start transitioning. He thought I wanted a surgeon. I then told him that what I’m really after is a referral to a psychiatrist. He went through his book for specialists, the first one he came up with; someone who deals with acceptance. I then told him to look for Gender issues. He then found the only doctor in Perth that deals with it, Dr Russell Date. I got [&hellip
First off, I’d like to welcome everyone to my blog. This blog will focus on my transition from male to female and anything I may have on my mind at the time. I’d like to give fair warning that posts on this blog will be brutally honest and I won’t hold anything back. It may have full articles at times or just whatever ramblings tend to be on my mind at the time. Make sure you have a read of my History and About Me pages. I chose the name for this blog, Geek To Girl, because my nickname amongst all my friends for many years has been “Geek” and this blog will be my transition from that identity into my true identity