So, it’s been quite a while since my last post here. Just to let everyone know, I’m still going! I’m now six months on hormones and couldn’t be happier. As you can see from the pic on the right, I look a lot different to what I did in my last post. I have started going out as female full time now as well.
The first few times I went out as female, I got a few strange looks. But over time, they have diminished and now I hardly get any. In fact, I often get guys checking me out at times. My breast growth has continued along the same line as it always has. I’m now comfortably fitting into a C cup bra.
I had my first appointment with my psychiatrist in March and that went really well. We went over my childhood and there was no doubt in his mind that I was who I said I was. I have since seen him again and he has given me a referral to an endocrinologist and the letter for me to get a new female passport.
Just last week I received my new photo ID with my new name on it. Now, every identifying document I have except for my birth certificate bears my new name. This has made me truly happy. I have since used my new ID at every opportunity I can think of.
I’ve also started to go out with a few trans people here in Perth in a Facebook group called WATSUP. They’re truly great people and it’s really nice to be able to hang out with other people like me with no pressures about anything.
Anyway, hopefully it’s not another four months before the next update. I’ll try to keep this blog in my mind.
Congratulations Michelle, you look great! love the blog too!